Author Guidelines
Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan (MITL) publishes various scientific articles covering Environmental Engineering, in the field but not limited to Mass and Energy Transfer, Environmental Chemistry, Growth Models, Risk Assessment, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Solid Waste Management, and Resource Recovery.
The manuscript is written in Indonesian with TW Cen MT font 12 pt, one-column, density 1 spaces, on A4 paper with a top-bottom, margin of 2.2 cm and right-left margins 2 cm. Template for Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan (MITL) are available HERE. The manuscript is typed with the Microsoft Word program using the provided template and saved in .doc or .docx.
The manuscript is typed strictly with the following rules:
a. The title, short and precise, written in Indonesian. The title length does not exceed 20 words.
b. Authors, listed without mention of title or degree, under the name including the affiliation and the corresponding author's email
c. Abstract, written in English, which is a summary of the article. The abstract is created in one paragraph and a maximum of 200 words with TW Cen MT font 11 pt, single column, and space 1. Points that must be listed in the abstract include the research objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and keywords. The number of keywords is between three and five keywords.
d. Introduction, contains the problem/background, literature review or results of research that has been carried out previously and the research objectives. The introduction is written without subchapters, therefore the contents of the introduction must have a connection between one paragraph and the next paragraph so that it becomes one unit.
e. Methodology, the research method consists of 2 sub-chapters, including materials and methods. If data analysis is specific or the way of analysis is novel, then a data analysis subchapter could be added.
f. Results and Discussion, contain at least three points of discussion (1) description of the results, (2) interpretation or explanation of the results, and (3) comparison of the results with the results of previous research. For example, a very long sub-chapter can be made into a sub-sub chapter
Description of results can be in the form of tables and figures with sequential numbers (Each figure is numbered sequentially and captioned below the figure, without ending with a period (.). Captions are written centered (center alignment) using lower case letters, capital letters are used only on the first letter Sentences and tables are written with lines in the form of a top border, bottom border and a line after the column name. Each table is numbered sequentially and information is included above the table, without ending with a period (.). Information is written aligned left and right (justify) with lowercase except for the first letter of a sentence)
g. Conclusion, made in a single paragraph without the citation, contains the conclusion and suggestions for advanced research. Conclusions can be in the form of paragraphs or in the form of points.
h. Acknowledgment, Thank you to those who have helped carry out the research. This section is filled in if it exists and is necessary.
i. References, a list of recently selected topics. The bibliography is written in IEEE format and suggested using a reference management application such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, and other applications.
All manuscripts must be submitted to the Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan (MITL) Editorial Office using the OJS Online Submission Service at the following URL address:, where the author should first register as Author Role. If you have any problems with online submissions, please get in touch with the Editorial Office at
Guideline for Online Submission: The author should first register as an Author Role and may be offered as a Reviewer by the address Where a star-marked form must be entered, the author should fill out the form as detailed as possible. After all the form textbox has been filled in, the author clicks the "Register" button to proceed with the registration process. Therefore, the author is sent to an online author submission interface where the author should click on "Make a submission." In the Start New Submission section, click "Make a new submission" to go to step one of the five-step submission processes." Five steps in the online submission process are as follows:
a. Start, Select the appropriate section of the journal, i.e., Environmental Engineering, Mass and Energy Transfer, Environmental Chemistry, Growth Models, Risk Assessment, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Solid Waste Management, Resource Recovery, or Special Issue. Thus, the author must use a checkmark on the submission checklists. An author should type or copy-paste the Cover Letter in Comments for the Editor.
b. Upload Submission, To upload a manuscript to this journal, click Browse on the Upload submission file item and choose the manuscript document file (.doc/.docx) to be submitted, then click the "Upload" button until the file has been uploaded. The cover letter and other supplementary files are also uploaded here.
c. Enter Metadata, In this step, the metadata authors' details should be entered, including the marked corresponding author. Authors are strongly advised to complete the authors' identity, including adding the correct ORCiD ID. After that, the manuscript title and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and pasting it in the textbox, including keywords. Other required metadata is languages and references.
d. Confirmation, In this step, the author should check the uploaded manuscript documents. To submit a manuscript to the Media Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan (MITL), click the Finish Submission button when the documents are valid. The corresponding author or principal contact will receive an acknowledgment by email. It will view the submission progress through the editorial process by logging in to the journal's website address.
e. Next Steps, Contains additional information for authors, such as whether the authors want to make other submissions or return to the author's dashboard. After this submission, the Authors who submit the manuscript will automatically receive an email confirmation of the submission. Therefore, authors can track their submission status at any time by logging in to the online submission interface. Submission monitoring includes the status of the Manuscript Review and Editorial Process.