Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat2025-02-15T07:18:10+00:00Nurul Hikmah Kartininurulkartini77@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Title:</strong> PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat<br /><strong>ISSN:</strong> <a href="">2654-4385</a> (<em>online</em>), ISSN: <a href="">2502-6828</a> (<em>print</em>)<br /><strong>Subject: </strong>Multidisciplinary<br /><strong>Frequency:</strong> monthly (12 issues per year) onward <strong>January 2024</strong><br /><strong>Indexed at: </strong><a href="">SINTA 4</a>,<strong> </strong><a href="">Dimensions</a>, <a href="">Crossref</a>, <a href="">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">GARUDA</a>, and more<br /><strong>DOI: </strong><a href="">10.33084/pengabdianmu</a><br /><strong>Archive preservation: </strong><a href="">Indonesia OneSearch</a>,<strong> </strong><a href="">GARUDA</a><br /><strong>Publisher: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Institute for Research and Community Services</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya</a><br /><strong>Editor in Chief: </strong><a href="">Nurul Hikmah Kartini</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> (<em>PengabdianMu J Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat</em>, ISSN: <a href="">2654-4385</a> (<em>online</em>), ISSN: <a href="">2502-6828</a> (<em>print</em>)) is an International Journal managed and published by the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Institute for Research and Community Services</a> </strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya</a></strong> 12 times a year onward January 2024, contains scientific articles of community service in the fields of social and political, administration and public policy, communication and informatics, education and economics, counseling and society, agriculture and forestry, religious science of Islam, law, engineering, and health science topics.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a title="SINTA" href=""><img src="" width="84" height="30" /></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> is accredited at <strong>"<a href="">SINTA 4</a>"</strong> until Volume 11 Issue 4 2026 by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia No: 158/E/KPT/2021.</p> Strategi Koping yang Ideal bagi Orangtua ABK di YPAC Semarang2024-12-02T02:31:03+00:00Benedicta Audrey Putri Trisnadewidictaudrey@gmail.comErvina Kumalasariervinakumalasari.ek@gmail.comPuspita Puji<p>Parents of special needs children face different challenges compared to other parents. This makes parents of special needs children more vulnerable to stress when caring for their children. Parents of special needs children can reduce their stress levels if they apply effective stress coping strategies that are ideal for them, but it has been found that parents of special needs children tend to apply maladaptive coping strategies. Parents of special needs children at YPAC Semarang are also found to use maladaptive coping strategies and, therefore need to be educated about ideal and effective coping strategies. The psychoeducation program aimed to provide knowledge about ideal coping strategies for parents of special needs children, and was attended by 82 parents of special needs children. This psychoeducation activity succeeded in increasing the knowledge of parents of special needs children about ideal stress coping strategies. Mindfulness-based coping strategy training is recommended for parents of special needs children.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Benedicta Audrey Putri Trisnadewi, Ervina Kumalasari, Puspita Puji Rahayu dan Praktik Pembuatan MPASI dalam Rangka Pencegahan Stunting di Kelurahan Sangasanga Dalam Kutai Kartanegara2024-08-09T06:49:13+00:00Endang Arsi Rahmania Sariviviarsi0@gmail.comMuhammad Abdul Aziz Hafidhuddinhafidpersonalacc@gmail.comAndi Rafika Atikaandirafikaaa@gmail.comNi Made Maharani Indira Saputrinimaharani157@gmail.comDenti Diastutidentydiastuti840@gmail.comJoseffine Valentina Wijayajoseffine.05@gmail.comM. Ade Wirayudawirayudajhs4@gmail.comNadya Ashiilah Syifa Pramestinadyaashilah9@gmail.comKinanti Nur Cantika Maharanikinantincm@gmail.comJanuartha Kisari<p>Stunting, a condition resulting from chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections, is a serious threat to child growth and development. Sangasanga Dalam Village, located in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, faces a high prevalence of stunting with 39 cases in June 2023. This study aims to increase the knowledge of posyandu cadres regarding complementary feeding as an effort to prevent stunting. By involving 29 posyandu cadres, counseling activities and the practice of making complementary foods were carried out at Wisma Ria Pertamina EP Sangasanga Field. Pre-tests and post-tests were conducted to measure the cadres' knowledge before and after the intervention. The results of statistical analysis showed a significant increase in the cadres' knowledge after the intervention, with a p-value <0.05. The enthusiasm of the cadres was evident from the attendance of 29 participants, exceeding the initial target of 20 cadres. The interactive learning process involved a nutritionist from Sangasanga Dalam Health Center, who provided a detailed understanding of making complementary food according to the age of the child. This study concludes that the SIAP-MPASI activity succeeded in increasing the knowledge of posyandu cadres about complementary food. The approach of counseling and practice with nutritionists proved effective in improving the cadres' understanding. Therefore, stunting prevention efforts can be improved in Sangasanga Dalam Village.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Endang Sawitri, Vivi Arsi Rahmania Sari, Muhammad Abdul Aziz Hafidhuddin, Andi Rafika Atika, Ni Made Maharani Indira Saputri, Denti Diastuti, Joseffine Valentina Wijaya, M. Ade Wirayuda, Nadya Ashiilah Syifa Pramesti, Kinanti Nur Cantika Maharani, Januartha Kisari Dewi Kreasi Pangan Lokal “AKANG” (Kelakai dan Ikan Saluang) sebagai Cemilan pada Penderita Diabetes2024-11-22T07:18:24+00:00Ni Nyoman Sri Fauziyah Radhiyatulqalbi Naulita Kartika Agustiradewantiagustira14@gmail.comMuhammad Alif Sayyidinooralifalif05022015@gmail.comYitro Tuah HR Sadekyitrosadek2002@gmail.comAndini Mudatamayusufmudatama87@gmail.comDennisya Azzahra Efendydenyisazzahra@gmail.comDean Antoni<p>Training on the Use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) is essential for enhancing the quality of academic services in an era of increasingly adopting technology. Integrating LMS with conventional methods, known as blended learning, which combines distance learning, regular classes, and LMS, results in a more effective and efficient learning process. With the shift towards digital learning, LMS use becomes crucial for improving the efficiency, accessibility, and quality of academic services. Through e-learning, students not only listen to lectures but also actively observe, perform, demonstrate, and more. Teaching materials can be virtualized in various formats to create more engaging and dynamic content, motivating students to delve deeper into the learning process. This training aims to equip educators and administrative staff with LMS features and potential, enabling them to maximize its use for content delivery, facilitating teacher-student interaction, and enhancing course management and evaluation. The training methods include presentations on basic LMS concepts, demonstrations of key features, and hands-on practice sessions that allow participants to actively engage in the learning process. Additionally, interaction between participants and facilitators is enhanced through discussions and Q&A sessions, ensuring deep understanding and practical skills in LMS usage to improve academic service quality. Consequently, this training is expected to provide a solid foundation for educational institutions to meet challenges and leverage the opportunities offered by the digital era in providing quality academic services.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ni Nyoman Sri Yuliani, Farah Fauziyah Radhiyatulqalbi Ahmad, Oktaviani Naulita Turnip, Hanasia Hanasia, Nisa Kartika Komara, Dewanti Agustira, Muhammad Alif Sayyidinoor, Yitro Tuah HR Sadek, Andini Safitri, Yusuf Mudatama, Dennisya Azzahra Efendy, Dean Antoni Upel Penggunaan LMS untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan di Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Respati Yogyakarta2024-12-02T01:44:13+00:00I Wayan Bagus Nurhadi Wijaya Avando Lusiana<p>Training on the Use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) is essential for enhancing the quality of academic services in an era of increasingly adopting technology. The integration of LMS with conventional methods, known as blended learning, which combines distance learning, regular classes, and LMS, results in a more effective and efficient learning process. With the shift towards digital learning, LMS use becomes crucial for improving the efficiency, accessibility, and quality of academic services. Through e-learning, students not only listen to lectures but also actively observe, perform, demonstrate, and more. Teaching materials can be virtualized in various formats to create more engaging and dynamic content, motivating students to delve deeper into the learning process. This training aims to equip educators and administrative staff with knowledge of LMS features and potential, enabling them to maximize its use for content delivery, facilitating teacher-student interaction, and enhancing course management and evaluation. The training methods include presentations on basic LMS concepts, demonstrations of key features, and hands-on practice sessions that allow participants to actively engage in the learning process. Additionally, interaction between participants and facilitators is enhanced through discussions and Q&A sessions, ensuring deep understanding and practical skills in LMS usage to improve academic service quality. Consequently, this training is expected to provide a solid foundation for educational institutions to meet challenges and leverage the opportunities offered by the digital era in providing quality academic services.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 I Wayan Ordiyasa, Raden Bagus Nurhadi Wijaya Sugiarto, Sugeng Winardi, Dyan Avando Meliala, Evrita Lusiana Utari, Ahmad Sahal Limbah Daun Cengkeh Kering (Syzygium aromaticum) sebagai Repelan Alami Ramah Lingkungan2024-10-31T04:31:46+00:00Zidhandika Nagita Ratna<p>Munggang Wetan hamlet is one of the clove-producing areas in Kulon Progo, located in the Menoreh mountain plateau. These areas have the potential to spread malaria. The clove plant has insecticidal compounds that can be used as a mosquito repellent. Dried clove leaves are still considered waste that has not been utilized by the community. The purpose of this community service is to transfer knowledge to the people of Munggang Wetan hamlet in utilizing clove leaf waste as a natural mosquito repellent. The method used was counseling and practical. The extraction process of clove leaf waste for repellant uses the maceration method and utilizes 96% Ethanol as a solvent. The result of this activity was that the training participants were able to understand and make mosquito repellant by utilizing clove leaf waste and packaging it in spray bottles. Natural mosquito repellant derived from the extraction of clove leaf waste with 96% ethanol solvent can be used by the community and has effective work as a natural mosquito repellent.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Zidhandika Nagita Putra, Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni, Joko Prastowo, Bambang Ariyadi, Aan Awaludin Pengasuhan melalui Psikoedukasi Manajemen Stres untuk Mencegah Stunting Anak Usia Dini di Kantor Kecamatan Tambaksari2024-12-02T02:36:39+00:00Elza Rahma Ramadhanifitrianirahmard@gmail.comAris Maulana Vicky Apriawanarismaulana130402@gmail.comMuchammad Fitroh Alfarizimuchammadfitrohalfarizi@gmail.comRahmad Bintang Samudrabintangsamudraevrrx@gmail.comLutfiana Nabilah Hartantilutfiananabilah01@gmail.comStefanus Putra Pratamastefanusputrapratama@gmail.comAnissa Nur<p>Stunting in early childhood in Surabaya City, especially in Tambaksari District, is still a special concern even though it has decreased yearly. The Stress Management Psychoeducation Activity for Parents and Caregivers aims to increase the understanding and skills of parents and caregivers in managing stress which is expected to optimize parenting to prevent stunting. Psychoeducation is conducted through interactive seminars with the AAABC (Accept, Alter, Avoid, Building, and Change) method by delivering material on stress recognition, causative factors, and stress management techniques, such as breathing relaxation and meditation. This activity involved 42 participants previously members of the Sekolah Orang Tua Hebat program. The pre-test and post-test results showed a significant improvement based on the paired sample t-test results with a significant value of 0.000 (<0.05) which proves that this stress management psychoeducation is effective and contributes importantly to efforts to create better parenting and support Surabaya's vision of becoming a zero stunting city.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Elza Kusumawati, Fitriani Rahma Ramadhani, Aris Maulana Vicky Apriawan, Muchammad Fitroh Alfarizi, Rahmad Bintang Samudra, Lutfiana Nabilah Hartanti, Stefanus Putra Pratama, Anissa Nur Rachmawati Penguatan Kemampuan Guru dalam Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan Menulis Karya Ilmiah Berbasis Teknologi di SD Ummu Aiman Lawang2024-10-11T01:00:37+00:00Wildan Cahyaning Vieca<p>Classroom Action Research (CAR) is one of the important activities carried out by teachers to improve the quality of learning. Through CAR activities, teachers can analyze the problems experienced during learning. In addition to CAR, teachers are also expected to be able to carry out publication activities on the results of CAR that have been implemented. With the advancement of technology, it is also expected that teachers will find it easier to compile scientific papers. This Community Service Activity aims to reinforce teachers in implementing CAR and writing scientific papers based on technology. This Community Service Activity was carried out at Ummu Aiman Lawang Elementary School, Malang Regency. The targets of this community service are Class Teachers and Subject Teachers at Ummu Aiman Lawang Elementary School. This activity was carried out using the discussion and question-and-answer method. The results of this community service are an increase in teacher understanding of CAR activities and the use of technology to support publication. This result was obtained from the analysis of the achievement of community service activities seen from the post-test score where participants experienced an increase in understanding with an average value of 83.75.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Wildan Zulkarnain, Dedi Prestiadi, Ahmad Nurabadi, Sunarni Sunarni, Asri Masytho, Endra Ubaidillah, Septiani Cahyaning Putri, Olivia Vieca Arrahmah, Muhammad Subkhan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah bagi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di Kabupaten Garut: Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran PAI di Era Kurikulum Merdeka2024-12-04T01:33:56+00:00Agus Fakhruddinagusfakhruddin@upi.eduSaepul Anwarsaefull@upi.eduUsup Romliusupromli@upi.eduMokh. Iman Firmansyahmokhiman.712@upi.eduAchmad<p>The Training on the Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum for Islamic Education (PAI) Teachers in Garut Regency aims to enhance teachers' competencies in integrating the Merdeka Curriculum into Islamic Education teaching. This training covers six main topics: the philosophy of the Merdeka Curriculum, lesson planning, innovative teaching models, selection of teaching media, strengthening the Student Profile of Pancasila through projects, and authentic assessment. The training methods involve interactive face-to-face sessions, simulations, and self-learning using digital modules. The program's participants consist of 70 Islamic Education (PAI) teachers from primary schools in Bayongbong District, Garut Regency. Evaluation results indicate that participants highly appreciated the training, particularly in terms of material relevance and the expertise of the trainers. Most participants felt that this program helped them understand and implement the Merdeka Curriculum in their schools. This training significantly contributes to improving the quality of Islamic Education teaching and can serve as a model for similar professional development programs in other regions.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Agus Fakhruddin, Saepul Anwar, Usup Romli, Mokh. Iman Firmansyah, Achmad Faqihuddin Sekolah Berwawasan Lingkungan dan Mitigasi Bencana Berbasis Virtual Reality di SD Muhammadiyah 9 Bahari Surabaya2024-10-09T03:24:47+00:00Retno Sumararetnosumara6@gmail.comAndhika Cahyono<p>The geographical location of SD Muhammadiyah 9 Kenjeran Surabaya is on the coast which makes it face the risk of flooding and serious environmental health challenges, which require further intervention. The rampant dumping of rubbish in the surrounding environment makes the school feel anxious because it could result in flood disasters and environmental damage, as well as a decline in the community's health status. This service aims to provide counseling and outreach to students using the VR-DISASTER learning media at SD Muhammadiyah 9 Bahari Kenjeran Surabaya. Methods for implementing activities, in the form of lectures, discussions, and practice. This 1-day training was effective in increasing knowledge and changing participants' attitudes. Proven by the Pre-test results show that the majority of students have a low level of knowledge, both regarding environmental health (68.57%) and disaster mitigation (91.43%). However, after being provided with counseling and socialization using VR-DISASTER, the post-test results showed a significant increase with 100% of students having high knowledge about environmental health and 82.86% of students with a level of disaster mitigation knowledge which also increased. Thus, it is hoped that the level of knowledge possessed by students can increase awareness and preparedness for disasters that could occur at SD Muhammadiyah 9 Bahari Surabaya.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Retno Sumara, Andhika Cahyono Putra, Firman Firman, Peni Suharti Air Hujan Ex-Situ oleh Masyarakat Petani untuk Efektivitas Air Irigasi di Pertanian Lahan Kering, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta2024-12-10T01:40:05+00:00Mohammad Prasanto Indra Tri RaharjoDedytriraharjo3002@gmail.comAgesty Kevianaagestikeviana08@gmail.comTeddy<p style="font-weight: 400;">The karst landscape in Gunungkidul Regency faces major challenges in the agricultural sector, mainly due to limited water availability and dependence on rainfed farming systems. To overcome these challenges, a community service program was implemented by introducing rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation technology to the Giri Muda Farmer Group. This activity aims to increase water availability and water use efficiency in drylands through the application of environmentally friendly technology. The community service method includes an initial survey, system design planning, installation of rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation installations, and technical training for farmers on system operation and maintenance. The evaluation of the activities showed a significant increase in understanding and skills, which had a positive impact on horticultural agricultural productivity. The technology was well received by farmers and has great potential to be developed in the Gunungkidul region and other similar areas. This service program not only succeeded in increasing agricultural productivity in drylands but also contributed to mitigating the impacts of climate change.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mohammad Prasanto Bimantio, Amir Noviyanto, Galang Indra Jaya, Dedy Tri Raharjo, Agesty Keviana, Teddy Suparyanto Desa Sabuhur sebagai Desa Wisata Anggrek Lokal Kalimantan2024-09-28T03:43:31+00:00Wiwin Tyas Istikowatiwien.tyas@gmail.comSunardi Imam Aufa<p>This community service activity aims to support environmental conservation activities carried out by the Forest Farmers Group (KTH) Amabilis Lestari and KTH Pantai Baru in Sabuhur Village, Jorong District, Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan. Partners are carrying out activities to save local Kalimantan orchids and ulin wood poles by searching for orchids and wooden poles around the Sabuhur village forest. The problem faced is that the orchids that are kept are moved to a new rearing location but their habitat does not match their natural habitat. In this activity, a smart greenhouse was built which used to maintain orchids, so that they resemble their natural habitat as closely as possible. An automatic watering system was created in the greenhouse, making it easier for partners to maintain orchids. Expansion of the orchid cultivation location was also carried out from the original area of only 2,500 m2 to 10,000 m2. Apart from that, partners have also started selling the orchids that they maintain. The improvement of partners’ skills also increased with this community service activity.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Wiwin Tyas Istikowati, Sunardi Sunardi, Zainal Abidin, Adhi Surya, Akhmad Fauzan, Debi Imam Saputra, Evita Sari, Nurul Hidayanti, Akhmad Aufa Rizky, Risma Rahmawati Pencegahan Kampanye Hitam: Mewujudkan Rumah Politik Sehat di Pemilu 20242024-12-05T04:09:42+00:00Zunaida Mirdadzunaida06@gmail.comNellis<p>The purpose of this service is to find out the role of Bawaslu in building healthy political home education in the 2024 elections. This is reviewed based on the theory of public bureaucratic ethics, including political values, administrative values, and shared values. The method of implementing community service activities used is participatory learning and action (PLA) by involving Bawaslu and the Village Youth Institution as empowerment targets who will later campaign for programs from the healthy political home in preventing black campaigns in Aceh, especially in the West Aceh region. The results of the activities that have been carried out show the role of Bawaslu and anti-black campaign policies in building a healthy political home in the 2024 Election through education and supervision, including: exploring cooperation with Bawaslu and village youth institutions, establishing education and information posts to improve healthy political literacy for the community and youth, establishing driving administrators, namely village youth, and socialization or training to form an understanding of the concept of healthy politics and preventing black campaigns in Aceh Barat has succeeded in realizing the Healthy Political House program as a preventive effort against black campaigns towards the 2024 elections.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Zunaida Mirdad, Nellis Mardhiah, Safrida Safrida Kualitas Produk Kunyit Asam Instan Produksi Kober Nurul Huda2024-09-24T08:20:16+00:00Raden Aldizal Mahendra Rizkio Frisma Alan<p>Kober Nurul Huda was an early childhood education institution located at the foot of Mount Cikuray, in Dangiang Village, Garut Regency, West Java. To support the institution's economy, an innovation was needed to generate additional income, one of which was through the utilization of local plants into products. Turmeric was a plant that could be processed into various products, one of which was the traditional turmeric tamarind drink. The method used in this community service activity was a participatory approach through observation, training, assistance, and evaluation of the results. Training and assistance were provided to improve the quality of instant turmeric tamarind products. A questionnaire was given to 26 respondents, consisting of pre and post-tests, to assess participants' knowledge. A 33% increase in understanding was achieved. Furthermore, assistance was provided in packaging and product licensing. Attractive product packaging was developed, and an SPP-IRT certificate was obtained. Overall, the partners were satisfied with this activity.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Raden Aldizal Mahendra Rizkio Syamsudin, Framesti Frisma Sriarumtias, Deri Alan Kurniawan, Isye Martiani Penyemaian Sayuran Akuaponik dan Pembesaran Maggot pada Sistem LETSGO (Lele Terintegrasi Sayuran dan Maggot)2024-12-03T04:27:42+00:00Ardi Eko Mulyawanardieko354@gmail.comHeriansah Yuliantoardieko354@gmail.comNursyahran Nursyahranardieko354@gmail.comNur Aisaardieko354@gmail.comFitri Emi Fadillahardieko354@gmail.comNurdiana<p>This Community Service (PKM) activity was funded by the Directorate General of Research, Technology, and Community Service in the 2024 budget year with contract number 1069/LL9/PK.00.PPM.BATCH.2. This activity took place in Mandalle Village, Pangkep Regency with the title Integrated Farming LETSGO (Integrated Catfish, Vegetables and Maggots) with the partner Turicinnai II Fish Cultivation Group. The problem experienced by the partner was that the pond they had had not been producing for a long time due to the high cost of manufactured feed and the low selling value of catfish. Through the PKM activity carried out by the team from the Balik Diwa Maritime Technology and Business Institute and STIE YPUP Makassar, they succeeded in overcoming the PKM partner's problem by creating 6 (six) complete aquaponic ponds (vegetables and fish), 1 maggot cultivation installation and providing training on maggot cultivation, aquaponic vegetable sowing, and food product sales training. The results of this PKM activity are expected to be able to increase the productivity and profits of PKM partners and increase the benefits of this activity for the surrounding community. The pre-test results showed that the level of knowledge and skills about aquaponics and maggots were generally in the poor category. However, after the learning activities, the post-test results showed that the level of knowledge and skills increased significantly and were generally in the good category. In general, partners considered that aquaponics and maggot maintenance activities were technically easy to apply, economically inexpensive, and ecologically could reduce waste, especially organic waste.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ardi Eko Mulyawan, Heriansah Heriansah, Harry Yulianto, Nursyahran Nursyahran, Nur Aisa, Fitri Emi Fadillah, Nurdiana Nurdiana Wilayah Pantai Pulau Merak Kecil Berbasis Lingkungan, Ekonomi, dan Olahraga (Ecosport Tourism)2024-09-01T13:10:12+00:00Qory Jumrotul ' Mohamad<p>Pantai Pulau Merak in Pulomerak District, Cilegon City, Banten, has quite a large coastal tourism potential with natural beauty and charming camping areas. However, the lack of facilities, skilled workers, and financial support are obstacles to its development. To overcome this, a development plan based on ecosport tourism is proposed that combines ecotourism with sports activities as a solution. Ecosport tourism offers a combination of natural beauty with sports, supports environmental conservation, and improves the local economy. This plan includes mapping related sports branches, building sports facilities, and preparing management and promotion systems. The implementation method includes coordination with various partners, field surveys, designing sports venues, and evaluating activities. The expected result is the realization of an international standard area that can improve the local economy and attract tourists. This program will also be disseminated through scientific publications and registration of community service videos to related institutions.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Qory Jumrotul 'Aqobah, Arief Nuryadin, Rian Triprayogo, Ayu Rahayu, Sendy Mohamad Anugrah Sehat, Prestasi Hebat! Edukasi Video Kreatif untuk Pencegahan Anemia di MTs Tegalpanjang2024-12-02T04:49:22+00:00Ariani Fatmawatirianiners@gmail.comBhekti Imansaribimansari@gmail.comSanty Puji Astutiepujiastuti20@gmail.comMohammad Najmi Fathurahmannajmistikesab20@gmail.comNajma Shakiyya Alia Arsynajmasakhiyyaa@gmail.comRistina Putri<p>Anemia is one of the problems in adolescents in Indonesia, especially female adolescents. One of the causes of female adolescents experiencing anemia is due to menstruation. The purpose of this community service activity is to determine the level of knowledge of female adolescents regarding anemia and hemoglobin (Hb) values. The method in the community service activity is to provide education about anemia and adequate nutrition, pretest-posttest, and blood hemoglobin examination. The media used for education is video and knowledge measurement with a knowledge instrument. This activity was carried out at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tegalanjang. The number of female students is 17 students. The results of the activity showed that 88.24% of female adolescents had good knowledge after being given education. The average hemoglobin level of female adolescents is 14.29 g/dl. In conclusion, providing education through video media can increase changes in the level of knowledge for female adolescents at Tegalpanjang Middle School. This activity needs to be continuously coordinated with the Tegalpanjang Health Center as a follow-up to ongoing activities such as routine provision of blood-boosting tablets and the formation of peer groups.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ariani Fatmawati, Bhekti Imansari, Santy Sanusi, Endang Puji Astuti, Mohammad Najmi Fathurahman, Najma Shakiyya Alia Arsy, Ristina Putri Rahmayanti Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Bagi Orang Tua Komunitas Pekerja Migran Asal Kampung Pandan, Malaysia2024-12-02T03:22:06+00:00Anita Stefhany<p>The "Adolescent Reproductive Health Education Program for Parents in the Migrant Worker Community of Kampung Pandan, Malaysia" aims to enhance parents' knowledge and involvement in guiding their adolescent children on reproductive health. The migrant worker community faces unique challenges in accessing health education, including the role of parents in educating their children about reproductive health. As faith-based and community-oriented organizations, PCIM and PCIA strive not only to educate but also to empower, particularly by providing relevant skills to improve quality of life. A total of 29 parents participated, with the majority aged 46-55 years and working as laborers or housewives. The results of pre-tests and post-tests showed an improvement in parents' understanding, with 59% demonstrating good comprehension of adolescent reproductive health and 66% showing a positive attitude toward educational activities. However, 24% of participants remained less engaged. Based on these findings, community-based counseling programs. have proven effective, although further approaches are needed to increase the involvement of all participants. Recommendations include targeted mentoring and collaboration with local health institutions.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Anita Yuliani, Ariani Fatmawati, Gabriele Stefhany Teesen Local Economy through Enhanced Production and Marketing of Lokan Crackers in Gampong Lamseunia2024-12-02T04:16:23+00:00Teuku<p>This community service program aimed to enhance the production and marketing of Lokan crackers in Gampong Lamseunia through a series of systematically designed activities. Initial SWOT analysis revealed that the production had great potential, though challenges like production consistency and lack of appropriate equipment persisted. Training sessions improved group members' skills in standardizing production processes, from material selection to packaging, and emphasized the importance of branding. Despite some success, achieving uniform cracker cuts remained a challenge, highlighting the need for future innovation in production tools. Packaging and branding training led to an increased understanding of the product's market value, and varied packaging options have since been adopted to attract consumers. Although significant sales growth has yet to be realized, marketing efforts through local kiosks and social media have expanded market reach and consumer awareness. The active participation and enthusiasm of the group members indicate a readiness to develop their business sustainably. Moving forward, the focus will be on optimizing digital marketing strategies and introducing production technologies to address current challenges. This program has laid a strong foundation for economic growth, empowering the local community to fully utilize the potential of Lokan crackers. It is expected that these initiatives will drive sustainable local economic development and improve the welfare of the Gampong Lamseunia community.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Teuku Ferijal, Mustaqimah Mustaqimah, Ryan Moulana Bahaya Judi Online dan Pinjaman Online Ilegal di Sekolah Menengah Atas: Pentingnya Kesadaran Sejak Dini2025-02-12T05:47:47+00:00Nur Annisanisa.abrari@gmail.comAchmad Zainul Rozikinnisa.abrari@gmail.comArafat<p>The rapid development of information technology has a significant impact on every aspect of life, including the emergence of one of the disturbing phenomena of online gambling and illegal online loans. Online gambling offers fantastic winnings that make victims addicted, while illegal online loans offer easy disbursement of funds that trap victims in financial problems. To increase awareness from an early age about the dangers of online gambling and illegal online loans, socialization activities were carried out for students of SMA Negeri-2 Palangka Raya. This socialization used an interactive lecture method with an audio-visual approach, case studies, simulations, and interactive quizzes. The results of the socialization showed that participants experienced an increase in understanding of the modus operandi and legal consequences of online gambling and illegal online loans and built critical awareness. In addition, participants also received education about the importance of wise financial management strategies as a preventive measure.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nur Annisa, Achmad Zainul Rozikin, Arafat Arafat Kelompok Wanita Tani dalam Pemanfaatan Mikro Organisme Lokal Hasil Limbah Rumah Tangga untuk Pertanian2024-10-18T02:32:10+00:00Riyank Dicky Angrezarianburhan23@gmail.comSulkifli Sulkiflirianburhan23@gmail.comAndi Cakra<p>Bonto Karaeng Village is known as one of the most important sectors with people's livelihoods as livestock breeders, farmers, and traders which means that residents do not lack food. However, the household waste produced has not been utilized properly, resulting in significant environmental pollution. Therefore, this activity was carried out to empower and provide knowledge to the community about managing household waste into Local Microorganisms (MOL) which is useful for improving soil fertility and better quality of harvest. The method used was counseling and training which was attended by a group of women farmers in Bonto Karaeng Village. With this training, the community, especially women farming groups, are expected to get the results they hope for. They understand how to manage household waste combined with EM4 to make MOL and it is hoped that this activity can handle existing household waste by making it more useful.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Riyank Dicky Angreza, Sulkifli Sulkifli, Andi Cakra Yusuf Knowledge Management System Penanganan Anak Down Syndrome Bagi Pengurus Persatuan Orang Tua Anak dengan Down Syndrome Jawa Barat2024-11-25T19:24:21+00:00Syahrul<p>Children with Down Syndrome face various physical challenges, such as muscle weakness, vulnerability to illnesses, and lower IQ levels compared to typical children. These conditions require special attention from parents, who must learn how to handle and care for children with Down Syndrome from an early stage. However, many parents struggle to access adequate information and knowledge about caring for their children. This community service program aims to implement a Knowledge Management System (KMS) as a solution for handling children with Down Syndrome within the Association of Parents of Children with Down Syndrome (POTADS) in West Java. The program involves training and mentoring for POTADS administrators. Based on the evaluation results, the administrators of POTADS West Java have successfully utilized the KMS.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Syahrul Mauluddin, Rangga Sidik, Dadang Munandar, Umi Narimawati, Agus Nursikuwagus Kompetensi Guru Matematika SMA di Mojokerto dalam Menyusun Soal AKM Numerasi2024-10-10T03:27:43+00:00Inna<p>Assessments in learning are important to obtain information about students' achievements toward expected competencies, including cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes. Cognitive learning outcomes are measured through the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) which measures reading literacy and mathematics/numeracy literacy abilities. This requires teachers to always improve their competence in learning, especially in providing AKM questions as a tool to help students understand learning. The Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University, through community service activities in collaboration with the high school mathematics teacher’s group in Mojokerto and SMA Negeri 1 Puri Mojokerto, held activities to improve teacher competence in providing AKM questions. The series of activities started with training in preparing AKM numeracy, assignments to participants accompanied by mentoring, providing participant feedback, as well as evaluating the entire activity. From these activities, it can be concluded that this training activity is very useful and has been proven to increase teacher competence in compiling AKM questions independently. The results of feedback from training participants showed positive responses from participants to the training material and the capabilities of speakers and instructors. Therefore, similar activities that lead to increasing teacher competency must be one of the priority programs for stakeholders, including schools and local governments.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Inna Kuswandari, Yayuk Wahyuni, Edi Winarko Aplikasi Akuntansi Digital untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Laporan Keuangan pada Rumah Produksi Tepung Mocaf Bunda Mirna di Desa Beti Ogan Ilir2024-12-03T03:34:57+00:00Yuhanis Ladewiyuhanisladewi@ymail.comJunaidi Junaidiyuhanisladewi@ymail.comIda Zuraidahyuhanisladewi@ymail.comLana Lutviyahyuhanisladewi@ymail.comMuhammad Rifat<p>Community Service in Beti Village is carried out to help the community in improving the economy of the community in the village. The people of Beti Village have a dominant livelihood in trading. However, in the era of globalization and the rise of online trading, many customers have switched to online sales, so offline traders have experienced a decrease in income. Conditions like this make some residents change their profession from trading to producing products using raw materials from agriculture in the village. The limited capital owned by Bunda Mirna's production house makes business development slow. To increase this development, additional capital is needed, for that in this community service, they will be assisted in preparing financial reports by SAK EMKM and using simple applications with Excel so that financial reports can be of high quality and get the best opinion from KAP. Furthermore, this audited financial report is used to apply for a loan to creditors/banks.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Yuhanis Ladewi, Junaidi Junaidi, Ida Zuraidah, Lana Lutviyah, Muhammad Rifat Qintara Laboratorium Lapangan Agribisnis sebagai Unit Usaha dan Pusat Pembelajaran Agripreneurship2024-09-30T13:01:32+00:00Hartati Rahma Ma'<p style="font-weight: 400;">The development of the Agribusiness Field Laboratory (LLA) as a business unit and agripreneurship learning center aims to integrate education, research, and business practices in the agribusiness sector at the University of Muhammadiyah Kendari The development of the LLA began with the installation of a greenhouse, the creation of six NFT hydroponic units, the development of organic cultivation covering an area of 0.5 hectares, and training in the provision of organic fertilizers and botanical pesticides and vermicompost. The results obtained in the first two months of the initial production stage in the hydroponic unit were IDR 4,062,500 and from the organic garden IDR 3,584,000. Investment assessment based on NPV analysis obtained a value of 169,456,788.54. Based on the calculation results above, it can be seen that NPV> 1 so that the hydroponic business with the NFT system meets the requirements as a productive business unit that can increase partner income through campus business development programs.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hartati Hartati, Sitti Rahma Ma'mun, Muhammad Nur, Hasbullah Syaf Kompetensi Siswa Abad 21 Melalui Kegiatan Pelatihan Dasar Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Organisasi di MA Unggulan Techno Scientist2024-12-03T03:39:26+00:00Raden Bambang Eri Darma<p>This community service activity aims to equip and develop the basic leadership and organizational management skills of OSIS (student council) members who are responsible for leading their school organizations, as well as to address the challenges of the 21st century. This community service activity (PKM) was conducted at MA Unggulan Techno Scientist, located in the Karangploso sub-district of Malang Regency, specifically at Jalan Wonokoyo 95, Dusun Boro, Tawangargo Village, Karangploso sub-district, Malang Regency. The distance to the activity location is 16 km, with a travel time of approximately 40 minutes. The training participants consisted of 30 students, including OSIS members and representatives from each class. The supporting instruments for this service included pre-test and post-test sheets. Based on the results of the basic leadership and organizational management training for students at MA Unggulan Techno Scientist in Malang Regency, it can be concluded that the average competency significantly increased to 90.5, with the majority of students (76.67%) falling into the "very good" category. This indicates that the training successfully enhanced the students' leadership and organizational management skills significantly.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Sunarni Sunarni, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Dedi Prestiadi, Endra Ubaidilah, Hasan Argadinata, Wildan Darma Setiawan Produktif Disabilitas Sensorik dan Fisik Komunitas Teras Inklusi Melalui Budidaya Ikan Nila Sistem RAS Biostimulan Bak Bundar2024-09-24T08:21:37+00:00Yulius Kisworoyuliuskisworo@gmail.comMukhlisah Mukhlisahyuliuskisworo@gmail.comRozzana<p>The community empowerment program based on Nile tilapia cultivation using the biostimulant RAS system was expected to enhance their economic independence. The main challenges included limited access to information, education, and technology, as well as a lack of support in business management. The program aimed to address these issues and provide a positive impact on the welfare of the disability community. The activity titled 'Productive Efforts for Sensory (Hearing Impairment/Deafness) and Physical Disabilities through Nile Tilapia Cultivation Using a Circular Biostimulant RAS System in the Teras Inklusi Community' was conducted using a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach. The installation of the circular RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) ponds in the field proceeded as planned, with all system components, such as the circular ponds, filtration system, and water distribution pipes, installed correctly and functioning properly. During the installation process, coordination between the PKM team and partners was effective, resulting in no significant obstacles. The training activity successfully enhanced the participants' understanding and competencies significantly. Evaluation results showed an increase in the number of participants categorized as Good from 25% in the pre-test to 85% in the post-test. Furthermore, no participants were in the Poor category after the training.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Yulius Kisworo, Mukhlisah Mukhlisah, Rozzana Erziaty Pembuatan Teh Herbal dari Limbah Daun Kopi Robusta sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Sampah dan Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat2024-12-05T03:48:21+00:00Budi Indriayani<p>Coffee farmers typically prune coffee leaves 2-3 times a year to promote healthier and more productive coffee plants; however, this leaf waste negatively impacts the community. This initiative aims to empower local communities by providing training and skills in processing coffee leaf waste into economically valuable herbal tea products. The outcome of this community service activity is herbal tea made from coffee leaves, packaged similarly to commercial tea products. The target community has gained an understanding of the health benefits of this herbal tea, and their skills in producing coffee leaf herbal tea have improved significantly.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Budi Santoso, Parwiyanti Parwiyanti, Gatot Priyanto, Agus Wijaya, Umi Rosidah, Nura Malahayati, Anny Yanuariati, Hermanto Hermanto, Merynda Indriayani Syafutri Pengelolaan Stres Berbasis Mindfulness untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru dalam Proses Pengajaran2024-10-11T00:43:07+00:00Dian Dwi Nur Jouras Zidan Purnomoraihanjouraszidan88@gmail.comClara Tesalonikaclaratesalnk@gmail.comAisyah Khairiahaisyahkhairiah.238@gmail.comFirjatullah<p>Stress management is an important skill that educators need to possess to plan and implement the learning process, assess learning outcomes, provide guidance and training, as well as engage in research and community service. The purpose of this training is to enhance stress management skills to improve the teaching process of educators. The training was conducted for teachers at SMA Negeri 16 Kota Samarinda and was attended by 13 participants. The methods used in this training include Training Need Analysis (TNA), training modules, material delivery, discussions, mindfulness, and pre-test and post-test evaluations. The results of this training show an improvement in understanding stress management. This improvement was obtained from data collected through pre-tests and post-tests, revealing an increase of 17%.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dian Dwi Nur Rahmah, Raihan Jouras Zidan Purnomo, Clara Tesalonika, Aisyah Khairiah, Firjatullah Firjatullah